What CAN I Do This Summer?
Working Together During This Time Apart
Colocate Ministry Consulting is working to develop a resource hub for families in and around the Ohio River Valley District of the United Methodist Church. During this socially distant summer we want to make sure all young people have a chance to grow in their understanding of, and relationship with, our God. We will update this list from time to time, so keep checking back to see what opportunities may be good for you and your family!
Cincinnati Serve in Place - Summer Impact Cincinnati
- All Ages Welcome
- Dates: 6/1/2020 - on going
- Ministry Leader: Kate Smith
- More Information: https://www.summerimpactcincinnati.org/
Chalk Up Your City - ORV Youth Ministry Collective
- Geared towards Youth but All Ages Welcome
- Dates: 5/31/2020 - 6/28/2020
- Ministry Leader: Kelly Getsay
- Opening Worship Video: Coming out on May 31st
- View Map: https://bit.ly/3frRaqK
- Closing Worship Video: Coming out on June 28th
Be the Bridge by LaTasha Morrison - Hyde Park Community UMC
- Young Adults
- Dates: 6/15/2020 - 8/10/2020
- Monday Nights from 7:00-8:30pm
- Ministry Leader: Kate Smith
- More Information: http://hydeparkchurch.org/youngadults/
"Love Your Neighbor" Family Outreach - Cornerstone Church
- For Both Children and Youth
- Dates: 6/21/2020 - 6/27/2020
- Ministry Leader: Teresa Roberts
- More Information: https://www.cornerstonechurch.org
Staycation Bible School - Faith Community UMC
- For Children
- Dates: 6/22/2020 - 6/28/2020
- Ministry Leader: Kelly Waugh
- Register Here: https://vbspro.events/p/events/faithstationrr
Rocky Railway Virtual VBS - Church of the Saviour UMC
- For Children
- Dates: 6/22/2020 - 6/24/2020
- Ministry Leader: Michelle Shiparski
- Registration: https://cos-umc.org/vbs
Virtual VBS - Armstrong Chapel UMC
- For Children
- Dates: 6/23/2020 - 6/25/2020
- Ministry Leader: Dianna Sheely
- Registration: https://www.armstrongchapel.org/vbs/
Camp S'more - Monfort Heights UMC
- For Children
- Dates: 6/28/2020 - 6/29/2020
- Ministry Leader: Kelly Burton
- More Information: https://www.mhumc.org
awakening: ORV 2020 SUMMER - Colocate Ministry Consulting
- For Youth
- Dates: 7/19/2020 - 7/23/2020 - Fully available resource after 7/23 in the link below.
- Ministry Leader: Brent Dearnell or Benji Sayre
- More Information: awakening site
ArmstrongKids Music Camp - OnLine - Armstrong Chapel UMC
- For Children
- Dates: 7/27/2020 - 7/31/2020
- Ministry Leader: Dianna Sheely
- More Information: https://www.armstrongchapel.org/children/
Virtual Sunday School - Faith Community UMC
- For Children
- Dates: 3/29/2020 - 10/31/2020
- Ministry Leader: Kelly Waugh
- More Information: https://www.facebook.com/FCUMCKidz/
Zoom with ArmstrongKids Sunday Mornings - Armstrong Chapel UMC
- For Children
- Dates: 5/24/2020 - 7/26/2020
- Ministry Leader: Dianna Sheely
- More Information: https://www.armstrongchapel.org/children/
How can I add to this resource hub?
If you are leading something digitally you want to add to this list, just let us know by filling out this short questionnaire. We want to help share what you are doing with others in and around the Ohio River Valley District of the United Methodist Church!
Stay Connected.
Ministry leaders of young people in the Ohio River Valley District, stay connected to other ministry leaders and district happenings through: